Newsletter & Newsround 15th November

15th November 2024
Here is the school newsletter and Newsround video for Friday 15th November 2024.

Welcome to QEII Newsround, my name is Jamie

And I’m Niki

Have you been independent this week, like our Yoimoji Haystack the independent bear?

Here are Mountaineers class with this week’s signs of the week.

Mountaineers have been working really hard during in class maths. They have been exploring more and less using jugs to pour and fill. The have also been challenging themselves when exploring Numicon. They have used Numicon to practice odd and even numbers, patterns and number bonds- all the way to 100! Mountaineers have loved challenging themselves and using Numicon to visually support learning new maths skills.

Yesterday it was Globetrotters Photography Group’s Fashion Show. Well done to all the models and the crew – we’ll be sharing the video from the event very soon.

This week, the teams at Taskmaster Club were challenged to perform a miracle! It was a tricky task and they tried lots of different things – let’s see how they did.

See you next time, bye!