School Day

School Begins: 8.50am for school transport
                         9.00am for home transport
Morning Break: 10.15-10.45am (Primary School)
                          10.30-11.00am (Secondary School)
Lunch Time
Personal & Social Education Period: 12.00-12.45pm (Primary School)
                                                           12.45-1.30pm (Secondary School)
Lunch Break: 12.45pm-1.15pm (Primary School)
                       12.15-12.45pm (Secondary School)
End of School: 3.00pm for school transport
                         3.10pm for home transport

The School Day

Due to the amount of transport entering and leaving our small school site the beginning and end of the day are staggered. For children on school transport, the day begins as soon as they enter school. Independent skills are worked on and ILP activities are set up in class. They are then joined by children who come in on home transport. At the end of the day children on school transport are taken out to the buses and children on home transport gather in the school hall for a time of discussion and reflection based around the Yoimoji of the week.

The school is open to pupils from 8.50am to 3.10pm with all children receiving 6.10 hours a day, equating to 30.50 hours a week.



Staff will be on duty at the front of school from 8.45am to welcome and collect children from school transport. Parents/escorts arrive at 8.55 and children are met by a member of staff either by being collected from vehicles or at the front of school, for those that walk. All children are taken to their classes by staff where they are encouraged to sort their coats and bags as independently as possible. Learning begins as soon as children come into school

After 9.00am parents bringing children into school will wait in reception and office staff will call a staff member to come and collect children to take them to class.



The first part of break is a valued communication learning time when pupils have a snack and a drink. This is then followed by time outside unless the weather is unsuitable. In this case pupils can take part in a variety of indoor activities. Once students are in the college they are encouraged to make their own choices on how to spend their break times.



The school lunch time is 12.00 – 1.30; Primary School have their lunch first and then go out to play, returning to class for reading time. The Secondary School have extended lesson time followed by play and then their lunch.

Pupils are supported by staff to make progress on their personal and social skills during this time. The Early year classes and college eat in their classes while everyone else eats in the school hall. Those children that are able to, line up at the hatch with their plate and select their meal from the wide variety of choices available. Specialist diets are catered for. They are encouraged to sit and wait until their whole table has finished eating and then clear away after themselves.


End of Day

Pupils are escorted to the school transport by staff. Pupils on home transport are collected from the front entrance or will be taken to cars by a member of staff.