English & Communication

English and Communication

Language and communication skills are essential for all QE2 pupils and we place great emphasis on their development, which includes the use of Makaton signing, PECS (the Picture Exchange Communication System), symbols, objects of reference, Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display "PODD" books and visual timetables. Staff work closely with the speech and language therapists, who establish programmes which are either delivered by them or by the class staff team. A range of Augmentative Aids are used, for example switches and "Big Mac" devices. Our aim is for our pupils to be able to confidently communicate in a variety of social settings.

We are currently piloting Communication at the Heart of the school, (CATHS), within our Early Years and Key stage 1 classes. Our speech and language Therapist carries out a detailed assessment of each child with their parents and the class teacher. Strategies to develop each child’s communication are then developed that can be used within the classroom and home. All communication is an integral part of classroom practise. Our speech and language therapist and assistants will observe children in class and work with teachers to continuously assess and use strategies to develop communication in different ways. Strategies used within CATHS could be Intensive Interaction, Assisted Language boards, PECs, The curiosity Project and Attention Autism. This project is very exciting and we are invested in making this project  work for all students in all areas of communication throughout Discovery Island and beyond.

We follow the cornerstones curriculum which is adapted to meet the range of individual needs at our school. Through this we teach the skills of reading and writing in a topic based approach using core texts. Alongside Cornerstones we teach phonics through the Read, Write, Inc. scheme. The creative arts programme at QE2 successfully enhances the students speaking and listening skills. Where possible, our aim at QE2 school is for students to leave with reading and writing skills. We also have an accredited Reading Recovery teacher who works with identified students to develop reading and writing skills.

As a School, we follow the 'Read Write Inc.' phonic programme. The aim for Read, Write, Inc. at QEII School is to give all pupils the opportunity to learn to read. Reading is a vital life-skill for pupils at QEII to learn, as it opens doors to so many opportunities such as reading the names of shops, reading stories and books as a pastime and looking at and choosing foods from a menu. We believe that teaching pupils to read will also increase their independence.

Read, Write Inc. provides a personalised, but structured approach to the teaching of reading from the starting point of identifying sounds and moving through to reading books and comprehension work. It is a synthetic phonic approach; it combines 5 clear steps to ensure real success in literacy:

  1. A systematic and dynamic whole-school approach
  2. High quality literacy teaching
  3. Inspiring whole-school literacy training
  4. Effective assessment and grouping
  5. Keeps parents fully supportive