Letters Home w/c 2nd October

2nd October 2023
On this page you can view and/or download any letters or other documents sent out to parents in the week beginning Monday 2nd October 2023.
MOST RECENT UPDATE TO THIS PAGE: 12:00 Friday 6th October.
Scroll down to see the newest additions.
Sussex CAMHS Webinars
Free School Meals Application Form
This also unlocks Pupil Premium money for the school. 

The Pupil Premium Grant is an amount of money that schools are given to support children from lower income families. Once a year we provide the department for education with information that we hold about our pupils in a census return. This information is used to determine the amount of additional funding we receive for specific pupils, and we then ensure the money is spent on those same pupils over the course of the school year. This money helps us to raise pupil achievement by ensuring that the best support is in place for maximising progress across the curriculum and contributes to wider learning opportunities including communication, social interaction and independence. It ensures that disadvantaged pupils receive all the support they need to make outstanding progress as a result of a truly individualised curriculum and learning journey

Parents can apply for this money by registering their children for free school meals, if they receive any of the following: 

Children who are confirmed as eligible for Free School Meals are automatically registered for the Pupil Premium Grant. Children remain registered for Pupil Premium for six years after they no longer qualify for Free School Meals.

You can use the form below or apply on line at https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-and-families/schools-and-colleges/free-school-meals/#how-to-apply

St Piers Transition Day Flyer
English as an Additional Language Letter
QEII Connections Information